Age à partir de 3 ans


Moumtaaz Magnetic Board

39,9 44,9€

Delivery in Europe : 11,9€ (4-7 working days)

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Learn Arabic easily with the Moumtaaz magnetic board! Memorize Arabic numbers and letters, write your first words, and learn to count in a fun and intelligent way with our set of 179 magnetic letters, numbers, and accents.

  • 179 magnetic letters, numbers, and accents
  • 4 letter positions: beginning, middle, end of word, or isolated
  • 6 types of accents: fatha, damma, kasra, shadda, sukun, hamza.
  • Double-sided magnetic board: white and black
  • Convenient wooden storage box: 5 compartments for storing your letters, numbers, and accents
  • Marker, chalk, and brush included
  • Free access to all our picture dictionaries in .pdf to accompany the kit

An educational kit for effective and enjoyable Arabic learning

Introduction of the magnetic board in action:

Play Video about Moumtaaz Magnetic Board

Learn Arabic with the Moumtaaz magnetic board

Alliez jeux éducatifs et ludiques pour expérimenter en s’amusant

Tableau magnétique double face

Tableau magnétique

The double-sided magnetic Moumtaaz board offers many benefits to children in learning the Arabic language. It provides flexibility of use, allowing both writing words or drawing with a marker and also with chalk. The brush will allow the child to repeat the exercise as they wish by erasing cleanly and practicing again. The two sides are magnetic and allow the magnetic letters, numbers, and accents to be easily attached to the board.

Convenient wooden storage box

The storage box is divided into multiple compartments, allowing the child to store the magnetic letters, numbers, and accents in the right place, thus enabling them to practice Arabic language skills easily.

Apprendre l'arabe aux enfants tableau magnétique
Apprendre l'arabe pour les enfants

179 magnetic letters, numbers, and accents

The magnetic Arabic letters are ideal for learning to form words and construct sentences in Arabic. Children can manipulate the letters, move them around, and rearrange them to understand the different letter positions: beginning, middle, end, or isolated.

5 accents & mathematical symbols

The kit includes 5 accents: damma, kasra, fatha, sukun, and shaddah. Children can associate them with letters to understand the impact of accents on pronunciation and the meaning of words. Additionally, children can practice calculations with numbers from 0 to 9 accompanied by mathematical symbols: +, -, ×, /, and =.

Accents, formes de calcul
Brosse, craie et marqueur inclus

One marker, 4 chalks, and one brush included

A box of 4 colored chalks, one marker, and one magnetic brush are included in the Moumtaaz kit. Children can write, erase, and start over as many times as they want. This promotes interaction and experimentation, essential for effective Arabic language learning.

Free access to all our Arabic picture dictionaries to learn Arabic accompanied by the Moumtaaz kit

L’accès sera débloqué au moment de l’ajout du coffret Moumtaaz au panier

Apprendre arabe : Imagier mots arabe fruits
Apprendre arabe : Imagier mots arabe légumes
Apprendre arabe : Imagier mots arabe maison

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